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new design (december 2005)

original design

alm 10
2 december 2002

aidan baker : guitar, bass, violin, percussion
richard baker : drumkit, percussion
christopher kukiel : djembe, dumbec, percussion
(c) 2002 ah syd music / socan

original artwork : dabsoon (photo) / taâlem
new artwork (december 2005) : dabsoon (photo) / cyril herry


Arc is a Canadian trio comprised of Aidan Baker, Richard Baker (no, they're not brothers) and Christopher Kukiel. It was formed spontaneously in 1999.
Arc's music is based on drones and melodic loops created by Aidan's heavily-treated guitar. Add Richard and Chrisopher's tribalish rhtyhms made with various percussive instruments and you get the picture.
When we, at taâlem, first heard Arc, we couldn't help thinking of Life Garden and Voice of Eye, those great US tribal ambient bands from the 90's. But Arc is no copycat !

1. 13.1 (13:02)
2. 13.2 (7.01)