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alm 106
tomonari nozaki
"the fall of icarus"
23 november 2014
cover: detail from a painting by curtis hall
residing in tokyo, japan, tomonari nozaki creates abstract yet
melodic and melancholic soundscapes using destruction techniques
discovered with reel-to-reel tape-llop splicings and other
analogue experimentations.
at first these two tracks had different titles but after
listening to them again, tomonari wanted to have the titles to
remind of the story of icarus. in his mind the first track is the
image of icarus flying towards the sky and falling into the sea
while the second track is icarus falling from the sky then flying
towards the sky after his death. this is not the original icarus
myth though, just images tomonari had!
1. falling into the sea
2. falling into the sky
(also available as a limited edition 3-panel digipak)
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