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new design
(december 2005)
original design
alm 21
"pôle nord"
7 january 2005
composed, recorded & mixed by akifumi nakajima at studio MECCA kyoto japan using only feedbacks.
artwork : akifumi nakajima
new artwork (december 2005) : cyril herry
Does Aube really need an
introduction ? After more than 160 releases (!) in fourteen
years, I guess he doesn't.
For this 3"cd-r, Akifumi Nakajima has, as usual, used a
single source to create his music ; this time feedback. You could
then imagine the tracks to be noisy as hell. Thankfully they're
not. Aube knows perfectly how to mix noise and ambient music. So
the result is noisy, yes, but listenable ; ambient, too, but not
A great work, as usual should I say.
tracklisting :
1. préparatifs
2. cheminement
3. découverte
4. rencontre
no FLAC version yet, sorry!