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alm 32
ninth desert
"black session"
28 april 2006
(first tale about different collisions)
mastering : andrea marutti
artwork : cyril herry
"black session" was created with two generations of sound material : sequences recorded between 1997 and 1999 by exotoendo (archived, never used or re-treated) and sources created between july and september 2005 by ninth desert.
this sound clash was organized on a principle of tape speed of the chosen sequences, their stretching in time or their dissection.
the confrontation of these extraneous sequences questions the time between the previously distant periods and, wthout filling it, suggests injecting a past sound material to the present.
black session is a body made of different (mental) sound layers where the "past" material considers causing interference on the "present" one and, on the contrary, the present contaminates the past - or tries to assimilate it.
the ninth desert project was created in september 2005 by cyril herry (Exotoendo founding member 1996-1999 and Lecanora) and basically works on the sound perceived as mental and temporal medium - a material subjected to infinite combinations and potentially neverending transformation.
tracklisting :
1. black session
no FLAC version yet, sorry!