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alm 88
"unseen intelligence"
29 august 2012
mixed and mastered by mars f. wellink & jan dekker (2010-2012)
dedicated to: monica, karina, quinten d. & his family and TjC
(for all the power)
artwork: mars f. wellink
once half of
the wonderful VANCE ORCHESTRA, mars f. wellink still creates
multi-layered soundscapes full of details. not very productive,
his past works were released on absurd (one cd-r), waystyx (one
lp and one dvd) and more recently on the 10" series of drone
records, substantia illuminata.
"unseen intelligence" is a wonderful "sound
travelogue", as stefan knappe described his 10".
1. unseen intelligence (part 1-3)
reviews :
none yet