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alm 89
yann novak
29 august 2012
thank you:
jean-marc boucher, robert crouch, yukitomo hamasaki and everyone
at gift_lab
published by generosity & constraint (ascap)
cover image: still from "hollow.river (vertical)"
apart from
several releases on his own (but now on hiatus) dragon's eye
recordings label, us multimedia artist yann novak had a cd
release on richard chartier's imprint line, and earlier this year
another one on the ever excellent hibernate label.
for this release, novak proposes us a minimal yet dense 20min
track where you'll hear lots of details in the background.
immersive drone...
"hollow.river" is formed
from a collection of field recordings and photographs taken
during the thaw of the piney creek near banner, wy. through
the use of digital filtering and processing, these documents of
the creek thawing are transposed to create a hybrid state between
its covered and uncovered states. this hybrid explores a new
state outside the natural thawing process.
"hollow.river" is presented here in stereo with some
compositional elements added to make it more suitable for home
1. hollow.river
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