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alm 99
frédéric nogray
23 march 2014
el lago negro is a lake between la ensenada and triunfo de la
cruz on north coast of honduras. surrounded by mangroves, at one
end the lake is separated from the caribbean sea by a beach.
all sounds were field recorded at different moments of the day
and at night on and around the lake in may 2012.
dreamlike sonic composition equalized, assembled, layered, edited
and mastered at studio no*mad in paris in 2012.
picture from the "andara painting" series by frédéric
many thanks to marcella perdomo and mito castillo (the hondurian
team) and jean-marc at taâlem
composer, frédéric nogray pays a particular attention on sounds
in their intrinsic qualities and for what they are: vibratory
phenomenon. but also for their broadcasting into the listening
space, our perceptions on it, and different states of
consciousness induced by listening. along his musical works with
crystal singing bowls and/or feedbacks, he creates dreamlike
sonic compositions from field recordings. his past works were
released by various international labels such as kaon or 3leaves.
all sounds used for "wuritagu" were field recorded on
the north coast of honduras during may 2012, in and around la
ensenada and triunfo de la cruz. wuritagu, el lago negro is a
lake between these two garifuna villages. surrounding the lake
there are mangroves. at one end the lake is separated from the
caribbean sea by a beach. at the other end, a small road connects
the two villages. all sounds were recorded at different moments
of the day and at night.
"wuritagu" is a powerful field recording-based
composition where you can feel the raw energy of the jungle
1. wuritagu
(also available as a limited edition 3-panel digipak)
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